Old Towne Improvements Honored at OTPA Preservation Awards Gala
For 27 years, the Old Towne Preservation Association has recognized significant improvements to Old Towne historic residences and other structures at its popular Preservation Awards Gala.
“This year’s awards gala attracted a full house at The Woman’s Club on a delightful Sunday evening, perfect for the pre-dinner Garden Party,” said Brandy Romero, event chair.
Guests enjoyed a wonderful dinner, created by Backstage Catering, inviting door prizes musically introduced by the Wimberley Family Blue Grass Band, and elegant centerpieces fashioned by downtown merchant, Enchanted Florist.
OTPA co-founder and current President, Rob Boice, introduced special guests including Mayor Dan Slater, a former OTPA President, and thanked Preservation Awards Event Host Chapman University for the school's continued support and sponsorship.
Carol Fox, former member of the City’s Design Review Committee, curated a deserving collection of award nominees and winners for the five award categories, all pictured below.
Event Sponsors
A very special thank you to the following event and host sponsors:
FEBRUARY 18, 2024: The 2024 Membership Business Meeting of the Old Towne Preservation Association featured an exclusive Sneak Preview tour of the expanded Hilbert Museum of California Art, hosted by Museum Director Mary Platt.
In welcoming remarks, Orange Mayor and former OTPA President Dan Slater thanked OTPA for calling attention to the newly designed Hilbert Museum, and said it helps in making Orange the art center of the county.
OTPA President Rob Boice gave the “State of OTPA” annual report and pledged a vigorous focus on preserving Old Towne’s historic character. “The unique charm of Old Towne is the reason our property value is so high,” he said.
Mayor Pro-Tem and Old Towne resident Arianna Barrios excited the crowd with her passion for preserving Old Towne and encouraged everyone to become an active member.
Boice reported that OTPA’s membership has never been bigger, its finances never stronger, and its community outreach never more active.
He invited members to attend the association’s 9th annual State of Old Towne Forum in City Hall on April 3rd, and its 28th annual Preservation Awards Garden Party & Dinner Gala at the Woman’s Club on Sunday, May 19th.
The members unanimously approved the newly revised OTPA by-laws and 18 Board members for the 2024 term.
Board members, officers and committee chairs are:
Officers: Rob Boice, President Diana Zdenek, Vice President Sandy Quinn, Past President Meg Shields, Treasurer Jim Karras, Secretary
Committee Chairs: Long Duong, Preservation Brandy Romero, Community Involvement Carrie Frisby, Membership Robert Paul, Fund Development Garrett Smith, Special Events Will Hare, Education & Research
Members-at-Large: Carol Craig Wil Dee Brian Lochrie Tita Smith Mark Wallace Mignon Whiaker John Zimmerman
How We Fulfill Our Mission
To preserve, protect and enhance California's largest Historical District Old Towne Orange
• Interaction with City Hall • Advise on Public and Private Development Projects • Members of Chapman Advisory Committee • Education and Public Events • Preservation Awards • Representation at Design Review Committee Meetings, Planning Commission Meetings and City Council Meetings