"OTPA has worked closely with the City’s Community Development staff to make sure the updated standards would protect the charm and unique character of Old Towne,” said Jeff Frankel, OTPA’s reservation Committee chair.
“The Old Towne Preservation Association urges your approval of the updated Historic Preservation Standards for Old Towne, and is grateful to the City’s Community Development Director Bill Crouch and his staff for devoting the immense amount of time and effort necessary to complete these revisions and bring them forward in a comprehensive, publicly reviewed and supported package for approval.
The updated Standards are a masterpiece in preservation guidance, and will be a model for other
communities throughout the country which are stepping up to protect their past.
We particularly thank Marissa Moshier, the Community Development’s Historic Preservation Planner, for being the Godmother of the updating standards and for her desire to make the process inclusive and transparent.
OTPA collaborated and co-sponsored one of the several outreach meetings for public comment, and
Marissa gave a thorough presentation and responded articulately to all questions and comments. Anna Pehoushek and Marissa Moshier sure know their stuff!
But the Standards must be enforced to be useful, and OTPA works hard to assist the City in making sure the standards are followed.
We not only urge your approval this evening, but urge the Council, Design Review Committee,
Planning Commission, and all staff to vigorously, consistently and aggressively make sure these Standards
are followed and enforced every day, in every instance where they apply.
A strong commitment to enforcement is essential to making sure Old Towne remains the amazing treasure it is today.”
The "Before" Picture
And "After" - Much Better!
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