The Old Towne Preservation Association Board of Directors has named seven new members, re-elected all 13 incumbents, and named officers and committee chairs for 2022.
“This is transformational for the preservation movement in Old Towne, as we expand OTPA’s reach and resources,” said OTPA President Tony Trabucco.
Returning Board members are Ted Albert, Janet Clinkscales, Adam Duberstein, Adam Feliz, Chris Glos, Guy Hinrichs, Victoria Laughlin, Joe Peters, Sandy Quinn, Dan Slater, Tita Smith, Tony Trabucco and Mignon Whitaker.
New Board members include:
- Steve Bennett: Former OTPA Board member and officer.
- Wil Dee: Owner of popular Plaza restaurants Haven, Provisions and Chapman Craft Beer, and Curator of OTPA’s annual Art of Wine Gala.
- Carrie Frisby: Retired school administrator. Old Towne resident for 21 years.
- Jim Karras: Business executive and consultant. Old Towne resident and preservation activist for 22 years.
- Brian Lochrie: President of the Communications Lab. Son-in-Law of OTPA founder Russ Barrios.
- Katie Mansfield: Business executive and longtime Old Towne community volunteer.
- Dr. Luke Nichter: Chapman University Professor of History and member of the federal President’s Advisory Council on Historic Preservation, and chair of its Communications, Education and Outreach Committee.
2022 officers are Sandy Quinn as President; OTPA co-founder Teresa “Tita” Smith - Vice President, Mignon Whitaker - Secretary/Treasurer, and Tony Trabucco - Past President.
2022 Committee chairs include:
Communications: Jim Karras
Community Development: Janet Clinkscales
Fund Development: Chris Glos
Membership: Carrie Frisby
Political Action (PAC): Adam Duberstein
Preservation: Co-chairs Tony Trabucco/Adam Feliz
Special Events: Guy Hinrichs
All 2022 nominees will be presented for confirmation at OTPA’s 36th Annual General Membership Meeting on January 12 at Ruby’s.